When the player attacks it rushes the same target and explodes, dishing out tons of damage (up to 14 times the caster's base attack unless the player is especially well geared).

With most of the NPC races yet to be made playable, who knows how the rest of the legend will unfold? However, the recent addition of the Zumi mouse-race has revealed that it is not merely humans but heroes of all races that are born into the land through the crystals. The Player Characters are humans born from blue crystals, who have great powers that allow them to stand a chance against the enemy. The game takes place in a Fantasy Kitchen Sink where infighting between various species of Beast Men has been interrupted by the re-emergence of an ancient evil. Aeria Games provided the English service and did a relatively excellent job, with enough pop culture Shout Outs to make a drinking game. It makes its mark by borrowing and uniting successful features from a variety of popular older Eastern and Western titles and wrapping them in a Animesque art style, with the addition of a unique mechanic that allows a single character to switch between and level all of the game's classes at any time.

An English-language server ran globally from Jto April 29, 2021. Eden Eternal is a Free-to-Play MMORPG for PC, developed by Taiwanese developer X-Legend and released in October-November 2010 in the Chinese-speaking countries.