Wally movie
Wally movie

wally movie

unfolds at a perfect pace and with compassion for the Bondi family in the face of art-establishment skulduggery and paranoia." "Andrew Shea’s recent film “Portrait of Wally” turns those facts into a passionately argued, ethical detective story. Although the main story deals with art looted by the Nazis, the modern developments provide an astonishing thriller of a tale…Your mouth will hang open at the twists and turns in the history of this dear little painting." "A must see for anyone who cares about modern art. "A fascinating story… You leave the film haunted by the blurry black-and-white footage of a peaceful, stylish prewar Vienna and by the words, used by one of the film's narrators, speaking of works looted by Nazis and never returned to their owners: 'They had an interest,' he says of the art world, 'in closing their eyes.'" "Fascinating and frighteningly revelatory." The film becomes as suspenseful and charged as the painting itself - a work of great sexual energy and electricity that became a talisman openly coveted by many powerful players." "Portrait of Wally packs an emotional wallop, not so much in excoriating the Nazis for originally looting the painting, but in clearly exposing why it took so long to rectify this wrong. "Andrew Shea has deftly painted the surprisingly political saga of an artwork wrenched from a Jewish gallerist by the Nazis… Hugely insightful…" Perhaps, then, Schiele’s intentions have been realized." "‘Portrait of Wally’, more than the story of a painting and its travails, depicts essential contradictions in the conduct of human affairs and flaws in the human soul. "‘Portrait of Wally’ moves at a steady pace, raising awareness and providing inside knowledge on one of the most heated debates the art world has ever seen." "An engrossing, exhaustively detailed account of how Portrait of Wally changed hands over the decades… Makes a fairly devastating case, via archival evidence, interviews with many of the key players, and an expansive scope that includes restitution laws, whitewashed national histories, and the questionable ethics of art institutions." "Portrait Of Wally tells a gripping story." "A surprisingly engaging account of a landmark case that shook up the art world." "An ace legal thriller, spinning a web of shame that snags everything from the Austrian government to America's most beloved not-for-profits."

wally movie

“Director Andrew Shea has assembled a taut, expertly-made documentary… Portrait of Wally is probably one of the best docs that will slip under the radar this year.” “Portrait of Wally’s tumultuous history makes for a gripping tale…"

wally movie

To say more would spoil it, but these precious few moments are all it takes to understand and appreciate the war Lea Bondi’s family and their allies fought in her name.” “An inherently tense film that tells its story in reasoned but sympathetic fashion, Portrait of Wally’s most electrifying scene comes almost at its end. "Engrossing.Anything can be acquired, no matter how personal or precious. “ does justice to that other famed account of postwar Viennese murk and intrigue, Carol Reed’s 1949 film noir The Third Man” "A cinematic masterwork about a painted masterpiece." " bombshell! 'Portrait of Wally' isn't just about stolen art: It's about cultural skulduggery, political sleaze, institutional hypocrisy and the virtues of persistence." "Works like a suspense drama! A painting's provenance matters, and so does this portrait of 'Portrait of Wally.'" By showing how difficult and problematic righting a wrong can turn out to be, "Portrait of Wally" does itself proud." "As detailed in Andrew Shea's fascinating documentary "Portrait of Wally,"Egon Schiele 's haunting 1912 painting of his mistress and favorite model Wally Neuzil had a complicated, extremely dramatic history as well as a legal and cultural significance that can't be overestimated.

Wally movie